City Patrol (Stage B) (Aratonati)

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The last song from Melody's Escape. However, there's one more in this pack?? :O Level 6/7 of my Project Arrhythmia "Melodical Escapism" series!. Any help and feedback would be much appreciated! :D

City Patrol (Stage B) is a level created by Aratonati. It is the sixth level of the Melodical Escapism collection and is Moderate difficulty.



The level starts with green horizontal and vertical lasers flying through the screen, while building start popping out of the ground. Suddenly, everything changes into yellow and an autoscrolling section starts. Horizontal lasers continue to fly through the screen.

Checkpoint 1

While the screen continues to move, a light beacon appears on one of the building, starting to attack the player by using his light. Shortly after having passed the beacon, a helicopter goes through the battlefield, using the same attack as the beacon.

Checkpoint 2

A building raises up from the ground, requiring the player to dash through his windows. Shortly after, another building appears, similar to the last one. However, this one has furniture in it.

Checkpoint 3

The screen stops moving near another beacon, while various lasers come out in all directions.

Checkpoint 4

The screen scrolls down, changing the colour of everything back to green, and then starts moving again. Lights from the ceiling attack the player like the beacons, until a car goes through the screen. The screen then starting up while a building raises up and vertical lasers come down from the top. Eventually, the player arrives at the top of the tower, where everything turns blue and a text saying "Congrats!" awaits him.
