Corrosive Trio

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The Corrosive Trio is a group of three robotic bosses created by Mc-Starz. Composed of Gamma, Caustic, and Radiator, they first appeared in Corrosive as the guards of the level's abandoned factory setting. They seemingly met their own ends by fighting each other, knocking each other out of the way to fight the player in the second half of the level. The trio returned in Delete, making an appearance in a short boss-rush section.

Gamma is the first member of the trio to appear in Corrosive. They are a green square with a lighter green outline. They have two dark green square eyes. Their hands are two square cannons that can be used to shoot out lasers and bullets for attacks.


  • Shooting lasers from hands
  • Attacking with rotating lasers from their body



  • Gamma is the only boss in Corrosive to change color after being defeated.

Caustic is the second boss introduced in Corrosive. They are a part of robotic trio that guards an abandoned radioactive factory. In appearance, Caustic is similar to Gamma, but with a hexagon theme instead of a square theme. They are a green hexagon with two hexagon “hands” with cannons on them. Caustic has a single green eye in the center of their body.


  • Shooting lasers from hand cannons
  • Growing cannons in size
  • Attacking with rectangles from hexagon body


  • Caustic is Mc-Starz’s only boss with a hexagon shaped body.

Radiator is the final boss to be introduced in Corrosive. They are a green circular gear with a lighter green outline. Radiator also has one dark green eye made up of a circle with an outline.


  • Shooting lasers from eyes and the teeth of their gear body
  • Spinning and dashing around the screen


  • Radiator is the only boss in the trio without hands.


  • There is no official name for this group of bosses - the name "Corrosive Trio" is conjectural.