Geer pint (Noodlekin)

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The Gyntening is upon us.A little ghost lad named Byte wants to vore you >=D

geer pint is a Moderate difficulty level created by noodlekin for The Peer Gyntening. As a level in the Gyntening, it is heavily based on ol666s Peer Gynt level. It features Byte as a ghost character, and Ophelia as the "savior" character in place of Perry.



The level begins with a clock starting at 23:44, counting upwards until midnight. A line of text disassociating the level from Black Heart appears beneath it. Once the clock hits 00:00, Byte appears and a massive computer is revealed behind him. Introducing himself, Byte then leaps into the computer and starts attacking.

Checkpoint 1

Blue triangles rotate back and forth in the corners of the screen as lasers are launched from cannons on the sides of the screen. Bte chomps with the computer’s jaw and occasionally sends out bullets and electricity from it. This is followed with Byte attacking with giant pistons that slam together in the center of the screen, alongside the occasional bullets as well. His attacks are interrupted as Ophelia throws her axe into him and sends the massive computer offline.

Seemingly rescuing the player, Ophelia promises to keep them safe and says that they need to find a way out. However, Byte’s computer quickly comes back online and the lights go out.

Checkpoint 2

Byte uses a giant light-blue triangle to skewer Ophelia, instantly killing her. Lifting her up to the computer’s mouth, he eats her with her remains falling to the ground.

The gameplay of this sction then begins, with Byte sending giant sawblades across the edges of the screen at first. After attacking with bullets once again, the sawblades repeat with lasers added in. The screen then begins to scroll downwards, with several sawblades bouncing up from the top half of the screen. Byte continues to attack with giant pistons and bullets throughout this section. Byte ends the scrolling with a giant laser from his mouth, and then sends two giant metal hands flying across the screen until they slam together in the center to create a shockwave. Seemingly damaging the computer, Byte ends up releasing a wave of electricical bullets as it goes offline.

Exiting the computer, Byte gives up and admits to having fun despite not killing the player. Noting that the one who sent him will be disappointed, he exits as the level ends.



  • Despite Ophelia's appearance, this level is not canon to Heartstrings.
  • Ophelia's death references her canon death in Twilight, with her even briefly saying "Not again" after getting stabbed.
The Gyntening
Levels Gynt.png QueerGynt.png GeerPint.jpg PeeG.jpg FearGynt.png JeerPlynt.jpg SpeedGynt.jpg Rearpintthumb.jpg Sansgyntthumb.PNG Peer Gunt Thumb.png Glynt.jpg Feetgyrn.png GinTonic2.jpg Grape.jpg PearJint.jpg GuinessPint.png
Ghosts Shade.png Ghost Boss Lad.png Lazer gost.JPG Bond.png Popcorn2.png Spike1.png Spoopyboi.png Max.png
Savior Characters Perry.JPG InnaNoBG.png Field.png SaviorCircleNoBG.png X.png Chad.png