Ghost House (Snappydoodle)

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Ghost House is a level by Snappydoodle. It features the boss Dj Ghost.


Throughout the level, Dj Ghost uses a variety of attacks. He also has a dj stand that he can use.


The level starts with bullets spawning on the right, with dashing ghosts, ghosts that appear and disappear quickly, and “beam bombs,” which is a hybrid between a beam and a bomb, being added throughout the checkpoint.  Pulses then start coming out from the center of the screen, as the words “GHOST BUTT SO SEXY,” are revealed.  A heart appears in the center, which breaks apart, revealing the boss and beginning the next checkpoint.

Checkpoint 1

The checkpoint starts with Dj Ghost moving around the screen with beam bombs coming out of him.  The middle of the section features a bunch of ghosts that spawn on the bottom and make their way to the top, and near the end two bullets are fired on the left and right sides of the screen.  A circle then comes in from the outside, forcing the player closer to the boss.  Dj Ghost shoots bullets from himself during this period.  The checkpoint ends with the same pulses from before and a dj stand rising from the ground.  At the end, three triangles come out of the boss.

Checkpoint 2

Dj Ghost attacks during this checkpoint with bullets coming out of his speakers and beams coming out of the triangles.  The ghosts coming out of the ground return, as well as the bullets.  The second part of the checkpoint continues the regular attacks, but this time with a circle around the boss and the player.  The checkpoint ends with the boss flying away.

Checkpoint 3

This checkpoint is similar to the opening part, with the same attacks, just at different times.  The checkpoint ends with the normal drop sequence, followed by the start of a silhouette.

Final Checkpoint

The end of the silhouette commences, which starts the final checkpoint.  The first section is similar to the second checkpoint, but the triangles spin more randomly.  The bullets that fire are also horizontal instead of vertical, covering a larger area.  About halfway through the checkpoint, another drop sequence starts, and Dj Ghost puts his stand away to start a chase sequence.  This section consists of two attacks, beams that fire out from the wall, as well as ghosts that fly out of the same wall, all while moving to the right.  The last part of the level starts with Dj Ghost creating a circle around him and the player, and using the same bullets from checkpoint 1.  Another drop sequence initiates, but this time Dj Ghost stays in the center of the screen as he suddenly disappears, revealing the end credits.
