Manta (Luminescence)

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When I heard this song, I just couldn't resist making a level with it!
Here's a bossrush with characters representing my family in it. :D

Manta is a boss-rush level created by Luminescence. This level's characters represent his family members, including himself.



Square pulses appear. Not long after that, square bullets appear from the bottom of the screen. After that, diamond shaped bombs appear, and a square appears in the middle and starts transforming while bullets come out of it. After a short pause, the square shrinks and transforms into Estair, the first boss of the level.

Checkpoint 1

Estair slams into the ground, causing purple pulsing circles to appear on the ground. She then starts to fire large bullets out of her hands. Following that, Estair slams into the ceiling and repeats her earlier attack. Next, she floats to the left side of the screen and surrounds herself by four quarter circles, forming a full circle, The circle then starts to move to the middle of the screen while firing bullets. Following that, Estair moves to the right side of the screen before repeating her circle attack, the circle then moves off-screen.

Suddenly, several dashes signal Nollyk's arrival, the second boss of the level. After dashing three times, Nollyk moves from off-screen to the left of the screen and fires several beams, she dashes another three times before firing several beams on the right side of the screen. Nollyk then appears in the middle of the screen and fires 4 beams three times before disappearing.

Checkpoint 2

Two borders appear on the left and right sides of the screen, a familiar circle also appears on the bottom. The circle fires bullets and beams while Nollyk's hands appear and fire lasers. Occasionally, Estair's hand appears to fire three large bullets. After a while, the borders and the circle disappear.

Checkpoint 3

Star-shaped pulses appear before another star-shaped object appears in the middle of the screen, it then starts transforming and firing bullets. The object then suddenly disappears while several moon-shaped pulses appear. Shortly after, Lunar appears, The third boss in the level.

Checkpoint 4

Lunar moves to the top of the screen and spreads out her wings, she then fire several stars out of her hands. Then, she moves off-screen and a moon appears in the middle of the screen that fires several stars before disappearing. Lunar comes out of the moon and spreads out her wings while moving to the top of the screen, she then makes a sort-of shield and fires beams out of it. After Lunar moves off-screen, a yellow and cyan star appears revealing itself to be Luminescence, the fourth boss in the level.

Checkpoint 5

Luminescence summons several stars that orbit around him in two groups. After that he moves to the bottom of the screen, causing two cannons to appear, he then fires lasers out of his hands while the cannon shoot bullets, he also fires two lasers that slowly move towards the middle of the screen. He then moves off-screen.

Then Arel appears, the fifth boss in the level. He fires lasers out of his hands while switching to the left-or-right side of the screen. He then moves to the middle of the screen after jumping off-screen. He splits his body in two causing a black hole to form, this black hole fires several bullets before disappearing, Arel then disappears as well.

Checkpoint 6

Two portals appear on the top and bottom of the screen, then bullets come in from the left and right sides of the screen, several familiar looking stars split into two also appear and 'chomp' at the player. After a while, the bullets stop appearing while the bottom portal fires several lasers, shortly after that the top portal fires several lasers as well. At the end of the level, the portals disappear as the credits appear.



  • This level was made in a week.