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Nameless is the main antagonist of the Void Untold Collection created by Dragonw1414. Throughout the storyline, it has manipulated and controlled different people and things in order to further its unknown goals. It has appeared directly in Earthquake and Monster and has minor appearances in Meltdown and Crystallize.


Nameless was summoned from another universe by the Legion of Order in their fight against the Agents of Chaos, particularly to defeat "A terrible monster". In Monster this creature is revealed to be Inferno.

It first appeared directly in Earthquake, where it tried to fight Flame. Afterwards, is has reappeared by attacking Hal indirectly, with its presence often being indicated by its red tendrils. In Enigma, it possessed Xani, one of the members of the Legion of Order that had summoned it. However, Xani managed to break free from its corruption.

It then appears in Monster after Inferno shows its presence to The Player. It then proceeds to fight both Inferno and the player, succeeding in splitting Inferno into Flame and Hydra, corrupting them both.


All that's known about it is that it can take over peoples mind's and bodies, and that it is trying to expand its influence over the entire world. It will try to remove any information about itself. It particularly hates The Player. It will either try to avoid or kill The Player if it can.

When someone is taken over by Nameless, several red tendrils will appear around their body. The final stage of corruption involves the host becoming trapped in a red crystal. So far, only Wave has been shown in this state.


Nameless' center is a circular eye with 6 lines coming out of its pupil. Protruding from the eye are tendrils that spread across vast distances.



  • Nameless was created by dragonw before he found out about PA.
  • Nameless will say a randomized encrypted message before the second drop of Monster. One of these messages has been translated as "IMBEINGWATCHED"
Void Untold
Characters Wave.png Flame.png Heapicon.jpg Xaniicon.png
Levels PeerGyntWave.jpg StartYourEngines.jpg Earthquake.jpg Firewall.jpg Engima.jpg Crystallize.jpg Meltdown.jpg SotSVU.jpg