Nexo (AjgoQ)

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This is my first level, and my first boss fight - with the Evil Triangle, Nexo! Hope you'll enjoy ;)

Nexo (Game Time) is a level which is the first test chapter of Hectilium. However, it is not related to the rest of the storyline. It features Nexo, an angry triangle who wants to destroy the player. This is the first level made by AjgoQ.



The level begins with "Hope you'll enjoy" text. The background is dark grey, on it a purple square pulsates to the rhythm of the bass. A grey triangle enlarges in the middle of the screen. Two purple lasers appear (one vertical, one horizontal), and four thick purple circles each fly out from their ends. Then a little 'bullet hell' begins. Two purple circles fly across the bottom and top of the screen, lasers shoot out without warning, a circle in the top left and bottom right corners shoot out grey circles, circles fly across the sides of the screen. Three lasers also appear and rotate, and the triangle keeps getting bigger.

Checkpoint 1

Chromatic, lens and grains effects are enlarged. The triangle gets slightly smaller and moves to the top of the screen until the player cannot see it. In the middle, black orange lasers rotate to the rhythm of the music. After a short time, the grey rotating triangle grows again. Lasers shoot at random points. Until the lasers fade, an eye and the word "Nexo" appear on the triangle.

Checkpoint 2

Lasers fire very quickly in various positions without warning, and the triangle slowly moves up and returns down. Nex grows orange hands (triangles) which he turns and shoots orange, thick lasers. He flies to the left as circles on the screen circles fly the same way three times - one in the middle, one at the top, one at the bottom of the screen, and the circles shoot around the top left corner. Nexo returns to the screen and prepares to attack with lasers.

Checkpoint 3

Nexo fires lasers again, but this time he flies down while spinning. He stays in the middle of the screen with no hands, rotating as the lasers fire on the screen without prompting and the cycle that was described in the second checkpoint repeats. At some point the attacks stop. The effects amplify, with lasers shooting out of Nex. The screen rotates slightly as an orange rectangle grows under the triangle. Towards the end, everything disappears except the purple square in the background, which slowly stops moving and becomes stable.




  • When coming up with the boss, AjgoQ had no idea of the name. However, he eventually named the triangle Nexo. His name was inspired by the Lego series "Nexo Knights", of which AjgoQ was a fan as a child.