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A shame he couldn't defeat you...But I won't let you pass. You'll have to kill me first.
- Ophelia, Twilight

Ophelia is a boss character created by Noodlekin. She is an unwilling antagonist in the Heartstrings storyline, and first apperaed in Twilight.



Before the events of Heartstrings, Ophelia and Wiccan fell in love with each other as knights. They both worked together to protect the Heart.[1] Later on, she helped Chip, who was her apprentice as a new knight.[2]


Ophelia appears first in Twilight, the first level in Heartstrings, where she attacks the player to defend the Heart. Viewing the player as an intruder, she is killed by Pilate in the end.



Ophelia is a light blue square with a triangle chip on the bottom of her body. She wears four pink flowers on her head, and has a blue eye with a line reaching down from it to the bottom of her body. She has two blue hands.


Ophelia is generally a kind, patient, loving and a very motherly character. She is reluctant to hurt the player and likely that way for others. Ophelia can be shown to be incredibly defensive of the Heart and her position as a Knight.


  • Can summon axes from thin air
  • Can also fuse two axes to create one larger one
  • Can manipulate her weight for attacks, such as slamming into the side of the screen to cause shockwaves


  • Pilate - she was one of his knights, but clearly did not have a good relationship with him, as he felt the need to kill her
  • Wiccan - Wiccan and Ophelia were fellow knights and very close friends, meaning he was very mentally shaken by her death
  • The Emissary/the player - her feelings towards the player are unclear, although there is some understanding that she knows the player never intended to steal The Heart
  • Chip - Chip is Ophelia’s apprentice.




  • She is the first character to be used by Noodlekin in a level.
  • Ophelia appeared outside of Heartstrings in geer pint, Noodlekin's Gyntening level, in which she briefly saves the player from Byte, before being killed and eaten mere seconds afterwards.
    • She and Perry are the only characters to die twice, both of which had one canon death, and another non-canon one in the Gyntening.
  • In a voiceclaims video by noodlekin, Ophelia was given the voice of Karliah from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.[3]



Characters Ophelia.png Pilate.png Wiccan.png SpectraNoodlekin.png Luna.png Cygnus.png Magpie wiki pic.png
Levels Twilight thumbnail.jpg RedHaze.jpg SpectraThumb.jpg Ordinary.jpg Euphoria.jpg Stardust.jpg Hate.jpg AuroraNoodlekinThumb.jpg Goldfinch thumbnail.jpg