Pixel Jungle (-Seanski2-)

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Pixel Jungle is the second level in the Twisted Prophecy storyline made by -Seanski2-. The level has two bosses, the more prominent one being Wixeil and the other being Cosmic Golem.

Hey look, Twisted Prophecy Part 2. Wixeil finds you, a supposed creature of legend... He's mistooken you for something... else.



Wixeil appears. He begins talking as some bullets fall down before beginning to summoning his staff.

Checkpoint 1

Wixeil begins attacking Hal with a variety of attacks, primarily conjured with his staff, for a while before leaving to rest.

Checkpoint 2

Hal begins ascending for whatever reason in Wixeil's absence. Two rotating beams on either side appear and... rotate. Once Hal reaches a certain point, Cosmic Golem appears.

Checkpoint 3

Cosmic Golem begins attacking Hal to defend itself from the odd square it can only see as a threat. At the end, Cosmic Golem is seen about to run out of energy, but gets a sudden spark of it.

Checkpoint 4

Cosmic Golem creates some barriers around itself and Hal and continues attacking, this time with much more energy. At the end of this checkpoint, Cosmic Golem falls back into its slumber.

Checkpoint 5

Hal begins descending downwards. Beams appear and follow the camera.

Checkpoint 6

Now on ground level, a hexagon appears, drawing beams towards itself. Wixeil then emerges from it, stating he has returned.

Checkpoint 7

Wixeil begins attacking Hal again. His attacks begin becoming less varied but more powerful, and a handful of old ones return from checkpoint 1. Wixeil vanishes at the end of the checkpoint.

Checkpoint 8

Some bullets begin falling from the sky, much like at the start of the level. Large spheres also drop from the sky and bounce up. Halfway into the segment, Wixeil appears and begins growing in size while releasing triangle bullets and beams. He then shrinks back down to normal size.

Checkpoint 9

Wixeil attacks again, with even more attacks added to his arsenal. At the end of the checkpoint, Wixeil pants and rubs his head, clearly indicating he's getting tired.

Checkpoint 10

Wixeil encases himself in a giant hexagon that spins around, with beams coming out of each corner. He continues attacking Hal from within the hexagon, mostly with prior seen attacks.

Checkpoint 11

Wixeil gives up to do more research on Hal, and goes away. The level ends with some text saying "To Be Continued- To the desert...
