The Big One (Cavespider3)

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For the 2021.2 TinyWorlds Contest
|Incident: Shrunken - X <::3)~|
|Location: Toy Metro |

(may experince lag spikes)

The Big One is a level created by Cavespider3 in 2021 for the 2021.2 level contest, starring Lilac and Alice as the player and level boss respectively.



I really need to figure out what's really going on here.
- Lilac, The Big One

The level begins with Lilac(The player) waking up to finding themselves in some kind of cell made of of toy blocks. Several blocks loosen and fall out, before the whole room collapses; fading to white. In the next section, three spiders(Glasses and Nabeel01) can be seen, with one(Cavespider3) pulling a block before receding as a cannon gets lifted up, firing several spike balls. A spider falls as the cannon sends out another volley as the screen flashes, revealing the levels logo with the title of the level, followed up with another flash showing a pair of red eyes.

Checkpoint 1

The level fades to a scrolling section with a city in the background. several cannons are dotted throughout the section, with blue ones firing slow moving projectiles, and green firing a 'dashing' projectile, along with a spider(sspamece) swinging from the roof of a block. Midway through, a train comes up moving slightly faster the speed of the camera; several passengers(Josalemar and Nichie) viewable through the windows. A hatch in the roof of the second cab opens, lifting up a red cannon. The cannon fires a mix of lasers and spike balls [pattern: Spike , Spike , Laser , Spike ,Spike , Laser , Spike , Spike , Spike , Spike , Laser ] before switching to a yellow cannon, launching similar spike ball projectiles to the red cannon, but are affected by gravity.

Checkpoint 2

Checkpoint 3

Checkpoint 4