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Wave is a boss character created by dragonw1414. He is the first boss to appear in the Void Untold collection, where he stumbles across Nameless while fighting against the player. After being wrapped in its red tendrils, Wave becomes corrupted and continues to fight against the player.

Wave then reappears in Earthquake, fighting alongside the also corrupted Speedster against the player and Flame. Later, in the level Crystallize, he enters the final stage of Nameless' corruption and is frozen into a red crystal.



Wave is a pink circle with a single white eye with a black pupil. He has two hands, each circular with 3 triangle fingers. Wave is capable of laser blasts from his hands and eye. When corrupted by Nameless, he gains several eyes, is covered in red tendrils, and becomes grey.


Wave primarily attacks with lasers, with them often being fired from his hands and eye. He also is shown attacking by moving his hands.



  • Wave appears in the beginning of dragonw's Gyntening level Feet Gyrn, as a call back to dragonw's original Peer Gynt. However, Wave is quickly killed by Lazer Gost.
    • In this level, a "Squarewave" appears, simply a square variant of Wave. Unlike the original Wave, Squarewave speaks to the player - however, he is quickly killed as well.
Void Untold
Characters Wave.png Flame.png Heapicon.jpg Xaniicon.png
Levels PeerGyntWave.jpg StartYourEngines.jpg Earthquake.jpg Firewall.jpg Engima.jpg Crystallize.jpg Meltdown.jpg SotSVU.jpg