Dark-Matter, Light-Matter

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Dark-Matter and Light-Matter are characters created by The2Ha. They appeared in the storyline: Relaxing Hexagon - Another Life (cancelled).


Lost by Nanos'

Light-Matter doesn't exist in this storyline. Dark-Matter appeared in Arcana and was said by Bleep to be a giant heart who gave people dark energy during the war 3 decades ago to help them survive, she gave Nano (the player) a test at the end and finally believes that the nanobot won't need the help of dark energy.

Relaxing Hexagon - Another Life


Dark-Matter awakened due to Triano's shockwave, leading to her busting out of the ground and leaving an entryway into her lair which Bleep suggested entering since he was attracted to the immense dark energy she was emitting. Before retreating to her lair, she punched Sun away, thinking it was the cause of her sudden awakening. Forgetting that Sun has been responsible for letting people thrive by providing light. Despite not being shown in the story, Sun turns out to be Light-Matter's reincarnation. Further info: https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxDAZ22ck4cKT7XzISuMymjn1SoIFmsY9z


During this level, it is revealed that Dark-Matter and Light-Matter are the goddesses who were responsible for the creation of the "Relaxing Hexagon" world. Dark-Matter's apprentice is Flee, responsible for the death of Circle. While not shown yet in the story, Zomus is the apprentice of Light-Matter.



Dark-Matter is a big red heart with black outlines and patterns, she has 4 extra limbs spinning around her at all times and hands. Light-Matter is a big blue heart with white outlines, she has only 3 extra limbs spinning around her and a circular barrier covers her.


Dark-Matter doesn't pay much attention to others unless they actively or did work together at one point or they have some unfinished business with each other, she does care about her light sister. Light-Matter has more interest in the lives on the planet's surface but doesn't care too much for her sister.


Dark-Matter can summon basic projectiles and lasers, she mostly attacks by shooting gigantic lasers from her palms. Light-Matter doesn't attack, but in Iris, it was shown that she can create orbs of energy using the 3 extra limbs that she has.
