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I, PA_MCP_02, am a CHIRAL designed to supervise nanobot production and testing at Site 02. I am initializing the nanobot testing program following a critical memory bank failure.
- PA_MCP_02, Malachite

Malachite is the first level of Project Arrhythmia's Story Mode, and the game's tutorial. The level is accessed by selecting "Story Mode" from the main menu in the "alpha" game branch, with it automatically beginning after a cut-scene.



The level's beginning features zero gameplay. Notably, boosting is disabled.

Checkpoints 1-3

The first three checkpoints each introduce an attack type, starting with a damage-less transparent version to demonstrate it:

  • Checkpoint 1 is bullets, which appear at the right side of the screen and move across to the left.
  • Checkpoint 2 is bombs, which appear at the right side of the screen and move slightly across before "exploding" into several bullets.
  • Checkpoint 3 is beams, which are indicated by a helper that covers where they appear before they slam across the screen to damage an entire area at once.

Checkpoint 4

This checkpoint features no gameplay, with Hal reappearing and moving the test of the nanobot to its next procedure - boosting. This grants the player the ability to boost through objects.

Checkpoint 5-6

A single rectangle appears on the right side of the screen, with a damaging wall closing in from its left. The rectangle must be dashed through to avoid taking damage from the wall. After the space to the left it closes, the rectangle and wall disappear as the attacks from checkpoints 1-3 return.

Checkpoint 7

This checkpoint entirely features bullets, with the gameplay being slightly zoomed-in.

Checkpoint 8

The colors of the level shift from blue to yellow. All three attack types are used, alongside a new attack with a small circle that darts across a warned area on-screen. The level ends with text saying "CLEARED" as it fades to black.


Update History

  • June 14, 2021: The song, which was created for the game, is first shared by its author Kyanite Heart in a YouTube video.
  • 24.3.1 [alpha]: A work in progress version of Malachite is added to the game, accessible through the Story Mode menu option.
