Qual (Airsea)

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The start of the other story. Collapsed Hope (01/05)

Qual is a level created by Airsea. It is an entry into the 2020.1 contest, and follows its theme of having no boss. The level is almost entirely made out of black and white colors.



The level opens with a circular wall closing in on the center. The level's name appears across a black background. A single laser and several square pulses appear, and the screen goes dark again.

The rest of this section is made up of standalone pulses that release waves of bullets. Various screen effects, including rotation and zoom, accompany them. The first checkpoint is entered with a fade to black as the word "Hopeless" appears on-screen.

Checkpoint 1

Several square pulses with particles inside of them appear, rotating along with the background. Walls close in from the left and right while rotating as well. As the walls appear, the square pulses are replaced with similar lasers.

Checkpoint 2

The word "Truth" appears, accompanied by an epilepsy warning. Square pulses appear as attacks, alongside occasional lasers. The screen begins flickering as lines of text move across in the background.

Checkpoint 3

A screen appears showing the name of the level and its creator, along with "The End". The circular wall attack from the opening appears again, before the screen disappears into black again along with only one line of text remaining - saying that it was for the level contest.