Category:The Polygon

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The Polygon is a story level collection created by enchart. The story follows the player, an entity created by the unknown AI to save the Vertinge island from getting taken over by Polyking.



Vertinge is the island floating in the sky, the place where The Polygon elements, five sources of power - Square, Hexagon, Circle, Pentagon and Triangle, are contained and protected by Keepers. The Keeper of the Triangle, the most powerful Polygon element, was exiled from the island after an unknown incident long time ago, but many years later he came back to get his revenge. [1]

Destruction of the Pentagon element

The former Keeper steals the Triangle element and heads to the Distorted Cave - the place where the Pentagon element is located and protected by one of the Keepers named Plex. They started fighting. After a while, Plex traps the Triangle Keeper and himself in the Pentagon element, then destroys it from the inside, which also kills both of them. Destruction of the Pentagon element disrupted the stability of all the other elements' power, which is why Keepers decided to hide them around the island so anything like this won't happen again. [1]

The Triangle located

Ench - a square living on Vertinge, wanders around the island then suddenly came across the Distorted Cave, where Keepers hid the Triangle element. When Ench got closer to the element, it suddenly crashed into his head and Ench started to lose his mind and kill cubeflies - little creatures that were swirling around the element, but suddenly he got his mind back and decided to take the element from the cave because it can be very dangerous for the others. [1]

The beginning

5 months after destruction of the Pentagon element, Polyking - a triangle shaped being, appears from nowhere and takes over Vertinge island; the surface becomes triangle-like and colors start to fade away. A supercomputer located underground activates and creates a small creature named Hal, similiar to a cubefly. Hal's mission is to collect all four elements to save the island. [1]

The Quad Field

Hal visits the Quad Field - an orange square wasteland. After defeating two sub-Keepers and taking two sub-elements, he suddenly is interrupted by a voice - the keeper of the square element.[1]


  • ???: The former Triangle element Keeper that was exiled from the island.
  • Plex: An irregular hexagon, the Pentagon element Keeper.
  • Ench: A regular square with the Triangle element inside of his head.
  • Polyking: A triangle that takes over Vertinge.
  • ???: A supercomputer that creates Hal.
  • Hal: An artificial cubefly created to collect all The Polygon elements



-1. Earthquake - The Pentagon element gets destroyed.
0. Pink Gynt - Ench finds the Triangle element.
1. Theory of Everything - The supercomputer creates Hal and generates his AI.

The Quad Field

2. Sonic Blaster - Hal defeats sub-keeper and takes the first Square sub-element.
3. Marbl - Hal defeats sub-keeper and takes the second Square sub-element.


  • The storyline originally was planned to start from PGEV.
    • There were 3 unfinished PGEV sequels.
  • The storyline was going to have 11 levels - 1 prologue level, 3 levels for each element and 1 final boss level, but now it's planned to have 14 levels.


Pages in category "The Polygon"

The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.