Category:Art story.

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you aren't the grand hero foretold by a prophecy, nor the villain bent on destroying all that exists. the world isn't in danger. there are no magical crystals or shapes to collect. the fate of humanity does not rest on your shoulders. you're just someone who's locked in a virtual art museum, and you don't have any means of leaving.

now, why don't you appreciate some art?

art story.[1] is a storyline created by Umbra. The story takes place in a virtual reality art museum distorted by Nemesis.




  • Originally, the art museum was taken over by Clotho.[2] This was later retconned with line-o- to be Nemesis.


  1. "i just call it art story. with period. art story." - Umbra, 5/5/2021, Vitamin Games server
  2. "based off of some dumb convo i had here while posting previews, the level is supposed to be a vr art museum but clotho messed it all up" - Umbra, 2/3/2021, Vitamin Games server

Pages in category "Art story."

The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total.