Category:PA 2 (Unofficial)

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‘’Project Arrhythmia 2 (Unnoficial)’’ is a story collection created by Nabeel01 GCG.



Here's a Google Document showing the whole plot to Project Arrhythmia 2 (UNOFFICIAL)! SPOILERS WARNING:


  • The story fittingly plays off of the base plot for Project Arrhythmia’s currently unfinished story mode.
  • The name for this series comes from a joke in the Project Arrhythmia Discord, with an image showing a logo for “Project Arrhythmia 2” with the subtitle “Its just Nabeel levels”.
    • The name of the series began in the level Nabeel01 GCG: Mutant remastered where the name of the series was started to be called. Most of Nabeel01 GCG's previous levels are also part of the series, it just didn't have an actual name at the time.
  • Nabeel01 GCG says that all the viruses Nabeel created are technically siblings to each other. (so basically there were some of the viruses that killed off their siblings just to continue their plan, like Sympan and Infinite P"owo"wer for example.

Pages in category "PA 2 (Unofficial)"

The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.