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Keyframes are how objects in levels move. Every action an object does is done with keyframes. A keyframe corresponds to a property of an object at a specific time.

The Object Timeline

At the bottom of the object editor, there is a section with four colored bars. This is the object timeline. This holds all of the information about the object's keyframes. It starts when the object is created, and ends when the object despawns. The object timeline is split up into four sections, each a different type of keyframe.

Creating Keyframes

To create a keyframe on an object, right click the keyframe timeline for the keyframe you want to add. This will create a keyframe that is a copy of the previous keyframe.

Types of Keyframes

1 unit of position and scale is equal to the size of the player.

  • Position: The position in units of the object on screen relative to the center, or it's parent.
  • Scale: The size of the object in units. Unlike position, scale is multiplicative instead of additive with an objects parent. So, an object with size (4,4) parented to an object of size (2,2) will be size (8,8)
  • Rotation: The rotation of the object, in degrees. Unlike position and scale, this is relative to the previous position, not absolute. So an object with rotation 30 and a keyframe with rotation 15 will rotate to 45 degrees
  • Color: The color of the object, from one of the 9 theme colors. Keyframes will transition between colors smoothly, creating a mix of colors as the time is between keyframes. Color keyframes cannot be randomized.


Easings List
In InOut Out
InSine InOutSine OutSine
InElastic InOutElastic OutElastic
InBack InOutBack OutBack
InBounce InOutBounce OutBounce
InQuad InOutQuad OutQuad
InCirc InOutCirc OutCirc
InExpo InOutExpo OutExpo
Linear Instant

Event Keyframes

In addition to object keyframes, there are also a set of keyframes that affect camera effects and movement. These are available in the Event/Check layer in the editor. Effects can't be randomized like object keyframes can.

  • Move-- Moves the screen to a new position, default location of the screen is 0,0
  • Zoom-- Zooms out the screen. The default value is 20, and the higher the value the more zoomed out the screen will be. The zoom value is the vertical height of the screen, so a level with zoom 20 will have a height of 20 units.
  • Rotate-- Rotates the screen to the amount the keyframe is set to, default value is 0
  • Shake-- Shakes the screen, default value is 0 and the larger the value the more intense the shaking is
  • Theme-- Changes the theme of a level (the colors of the background and main objects as well as the player and GUI) there can only be 9 unique colors for each background and main object per theme
  • Chromatic-- Causes the red, green and blue parts of the level to be separated, the default value is 0 and the higher the value the further away the red, green and blue colors become, this effect is relative to the center of the screen meaning in the middle of the screen the effect is less intense then in the edges of the screen
  • Bloom-- Makes all objects radiate a glow, the default value is 0 and the larger the value the more intense the glow is
  • Vignette-- Causes a black outline to appear around the outside of the screen, the position value dictates the position of the center of the vignette, and the intensity value dictates how strong and large the vignette is, and the smoothness value dictates how smooth the edges of the vignette are, and the roundness value dictates how circular the center of the vignette is, all of these values are defaulted at 0
  • Lens-- Makes the objects on the screen curve as if the screen was a lens, the default value is 0
  • Grain-- Creates static on the screen, the size of the grains is how big the grains of static are and the intensity is how many grains there are, both of these values are defaulted at 0
  • Checkpoint-- Creates a checkpoint that when a player dies they will respawn in the inputted location at the time of the checkpoint providing they have gotten to that checkpoint before, the default location is 0,0

These next keyframes are only available in the Beta-Editor version of the game.

  • Gradient -- Creates a gradient between two colors, from the Event Colors in the current theme. Has two parameters, Intensity and Rotation.
  • Glitch -- Creates glitch effects that distort the screen and randomly reposition or invert parts of the screen. Intensity determines how often glitches occur, Speed determines how long they last, and Width determines the size of the glitches. Glitches of size 1 will cover the whole screen.
  • Hue -- Shifts the hue of the entire level.
Editor Basics First steps • Song VerificationCreating an objectKeyframingParentingRandomization • Prefabs • Uploading a level • Creating a collection
Editor Skills Creating characters • Animation techniques • Creating gameplay • Brainstorming ideas • Choosing a song • Telling a story
Technical Text formatting • Sharing level assets • Changing level audio