Electrify (DXL44)

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A rematch with Cryo from Dark Dungeon...?

Electrify is an Expert difficulty level created by DXL44. It features Watt, a rebuilt Cryo, as its central boss. The level is shorter, and dedicates most of its time building up to the boss section at the end. It is a part of the Trials Series collection, although as a standalone bonus level not directly related to its plot.



The level opens with groups of bullets moving left and right. Square pulses appear, which shoot out large bullets. Additionally, groups of lasers attack from time to time. A Prefab button appears in the center of the screen, eventually transforming into a prefab for Cryo as the bullets are replaced with smaller pulses and the large pulses are replaced with an attack with two bars moving sideways.

The prefab releases Cryo, who floats around the center of the screen while their screen shows a loading bar. He sends out explosions of bullets on the beat, as larger slow-moving bullets appear from the top and bottom. Cryo finishes loading, only to be dragged towards the center of the screen while appearing shocked.

Creator then appears in the background, as Cryo's outer parts dissapear to leave only the large center square in their body behind. This square pulses and attacks with bullets - some of which twist left or right as they move outwards. A diamond-shaped wall closes in slowly, before abruptly disappearing along with Creator.

The section ends with the square slowly transforming into Watt, attacking with lasers and bullets as it does.

Checkpoint 1

Watt appears onscreen, with Creator once visible in the background. He uses several attacks in the drop:

  • Shooting out electricity beams along with a spray of bullets from each.
  • Firing out groups of fast-moving bullets.
  • Summoning squares that move across the edge of the screen, leaving a trail of bullets that moves across.
  • Teleporting around the screen quickly while shooting lasers.

These attacks are repeated throughout this checkpoint, until Watt pauses in the center of the screen. In a flash, he is torn apart into the shapes that make him up. The screen fades to black, with Creator slowly appearing as the level ends.




  • Creator is seen making similar movements to Watt while in the background during the final section of the level.
  • The level ending abruptly after the first drop is intentional, and is meant to evoke a sense of being unfinished or incomplete.[1]
  • If played on the "alpha" branch of the game, the prefab button and prefab that Cryo appears from will change to resemble the version's updated level editor.


  1. [1] - DXL44, 1/3/2023, Vitamin Games server