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Do you realize this is a dream? I'm sure you know who sent me!
- Cygnus, Stardust

Cygnus is an antagonist in the Heartstrings level storyline created by noodlekin. They are a dream demon, and can attack people in their sleep. They appear in Stardust, where they are sent by Pilate to kill the sleeping player.


Cygnus was first mentioned one of the cutscenes of Heartstrings. Pilate told Spectra and Luna that they will need Cygnus to defeat the player in their dream. Cygnus first appeared in Stardust. Cygnus told the player that there is only one way to escape and that method would be via death, either it be the player or Cygnus themself. After Cygnus' defeat in the level, Magpie communed with the player through the dream that Cygnus is dead, and that the player is now able to wake up.



Cygnus is shown as a yellow star with round eyes and a semicircle mouth forming a friendly expression. This happy grin is not their true "mouth", as Cygnus actually has what seems to be a black hole of sorts in their gut that reveals when the mouth across their body opens. Their larger mouth has jagged teeth that seamlessly connect to the rest of their body.


Although almost always shown to be smiling, Cygnus is an aggressive opponent. They taunt victims in nightmares, and seemingly take enjoyment out of killing them.


  • Entering into the dreams of others to kill them
  • Using a variety of different attacks within the dream:
    • Summoning UFOs that shoot lasers
    • Attacking with stars and comets
    • Shooting lasers
    • Sucking in objects with a black hole in their mouth



  • The cause of Cygnus' death is unknown, though it is implied that Magpie was involved with his anxious reaction to Spectra's questioning in the cutscene Feathershed.



Characters Ophelia.png Pilate.png Wiccan.png SpectraNoodlekin.png Luna.png Cygnus.png Magpie wiki pic.png
Levels Twilight thumbnail.jpg RedHaze.jpg SpectraThumb.jpg Ordinary.jpg Euphoria.jpg Stardust.jpg Hate.jpg AuroraNoodlekinThumb.jpg Goldfinch thumbnail.jpg